
What is this?

This is a landing page for my GitHub projects that are hosted on here.

This website contains the AzzaFortysix Mod Launcher which allows mods for various Unity based games to be installed for free.

They Are Billions Level Editor

You can find it here.

This is a web browser based level editor for "They Are Billions". The developer actively tries to block custom maps, so the level editor will potentially not work, however, it will still work for older versions of the game.

Simply upload a "They Are Billions" save file, or use the template map that is available on the site.

Octogeddon Save File Editor

You can find it here.

I reverse engineered the save file format for Octogeddon and wrote a browser based editor for it.

Simply upload your Octogeddon save file and the editor will allow you to fully edit all attributes.

AI Experiments

I created a whole bunch of Experimental games to explore AI. There is a dedicated landing page for these here.

BloodHound to CSV

You can find it here.

This takes the results of BloodHound (in the ZIP format) and converts them to a CSV which can be read by a human.